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Formulaire de contact

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Gilenar allez vers le bas

Depuis le: 11 Juin 2013
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    Envoyé : 28 Avr 2017 à 14:14

Quand je renseigne le formulaire que j'ai mis en place et que je clique sur le bouton d'envoi, j'obtiens une fenêtre qui affiche l'anomalie et le code ci-dessous.

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Une erreur est survenue lors de l'envoi de l'e-mail !
Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement ou contacter l'administrateur du serveur.
if (is_array($value)) { // value is an array, not just string (happens if attribut name contains []) foreach($value as $vkey=>$vv)     $param[$key][$vkey] = stripslashes($param[$key][$vkey]); } else $param[$key] = stripslashes($param[$key]); // remove slashes before apostrophes etc. } } // Data passé diirectement via l'ajax $SendMailName = $param["WESendMailID"] ; $PagePath = $param["PagePath"] ; $Culture = $param["Culture"] ; $RelativePath = $param["RelativePath"] ; $OEVersion = $param["OEVersion"] ; $Security->linkIntPageOk($PagePath) or exit; $Security->linkIntPageOk($RelativePath) or exit; $SendReceipt = false ; $IDReceiptEmail = ""; $ReceiptEmail = ""; $Attachment = array(); //Chemin des donnéees de la page $PageVarPhp = "../../".$PagePath."(var).php"; require_once $PageVarPhp; if (empty( $OEConfWESendMail)) { $json = ""; } else { $json = $OEConfWESendMail;     } //Deserialisation de OEConfWESendMail $output = $objJson->Decode($json); //Gestion des erreurs de déserialisation if ($output==null) { $error = new OEReturn("error03",GetErrMessage($objJson,$WEInfoPage,"FormNotConfigure")); echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit(0); } //Recup data captcha if (!empty( $OEConfWECaptcha )) { $OutputWECaptcha = $objJson->Decode($OEConfWECaptcha); } // recup des donnée d'envoi $SendMailInfo= $output->$SendMailName->SendMailInfo; if ($SendMailInfo->SendReceipt == true) { $SendReceipt = true ; $IDReceiptEmail = $SendMailInfo->UserEmailID; } //Configuration des envois d'emails if (!$output->$SendMailName->ConfSendMail==null) { $ConfSendMail=$output->$SendMailName->ConfSendMail; } else { $ConfSendMail=null; } $Body=""; $Upload=false; //Recupération et parcours des elements du formulaire $FormLinks = new OEDataFormLinks($output->$SendMailName->FormLinks); foreach ($FormLinks->TabElementsID as $key => $FormLinksElement){ //construction du nom de la variable de l'élément et deserialisation //ElementForm Version2 $ElemType=$FormLinksElement->Type; switch($ElemType) { case 'WETextArea2'; $ElemType='WETextArea'; break; case 'WEUploadFiles2'; $ElemType='WEUploadFiles'; break; case 'WECaptcha2'; $ElemType='WECaptcha'; break; case 'WEListBox2'; $ElemType='WEListBox'; break; case 'WECheckBox2'; $ElemType='WECheckBox'; break; case 'WETextBox2'; $ElemType='WETextBox'; break; case 'WERadioButtonList2'; $ElemType='WERadioButtonList'; break; } $JsonVar="OEConf".$ElemType; if (! isset($$JsonVar) ) continue; //l'element n'existe plus sur la page $ElemConf = $objJson->Decode($$JsonVar); $FormLinksElemenID=$FormLinksElement->ID; $elementExists = isset($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID); // false when element is still in SendMail's list of used elements but is no longer on the page if (!$elementExists) continue; // ignore completely ghost elements //Recup de la valeur $htmlEntFlags = ENT_NOQUOTES; if (defined('ENT_SUBSTITUTE')) $htmlEntFlags = $htmlEntFlags | ENT_SUBSTITUTE; // key in $_POST[] (name attribute): $attrName = (isset($param[$FormLinksElement->ID])) ? $FormLinksElement->ID : ((isset($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->InputName)) ? $ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->InputName : //ElementForm Version2 null); $posArray = ($attrName) ? strpos($attrName, '[') : false; // ex. "myCheckBox[]" or "myCheckBox[0]" (to group checkboxes by using same name attribute + array format) if ($posArray) $attrName = substr($attrName, 0, $posArray); // remove [] ending, ex. "myCheckBox" //$posEndArray = strpos($attrName, ']', $posArray);     //$indArray = ($posEndArray && $posEndArray > $posArray+1) ? intval(substr($attrName, $posArray+1, $posEndArray - ($posArray + 1))) : -1; if ($attrName && isset($param[$attrName])) { // DD ex. checkboxes may write nothing at all if unchecked => absent in $param $val = $param[$attrName]; if (is_array($val)) { // special case - several values for the same name (if array syntax was used in name attribute - see above) if (!isset($arrayDataNames)) $arrayDataNames = array(); else if (isset($arrayDataNames[$attrName])) continue; // this name is already used+processed by one of previous elements $arrayDataNames[$attrName] = true; // mark this name as processed $val = implode(", ", $val); // list all array values separated by coma } $val = htmlentities($val, $htmlEntFlags, 'UTF-8'); // ENT_SUBSTITUTE is only from PHP 5.4 } else $val="-"; //email de l'accuse de reception if ($IDReceiptEmail == $FormLinksElement->ID) { if ($val!="" && !$Security->emailOk($val)) {echo "err"; exit;} $ReceiptEmail = $val; } $title=""; if (isset($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->Title)) { if (!empty($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->Title)) { $title= $LocalizableString->Get($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->Title,$Culture); //$title=strip_tags($title); // $title = htmlentities($title, ENT_NOQUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8'); // DD no protection for titles - let users make html tags etc. } } else { //ElementForm Version2 $title=(isset($SendMailInfo->ListInputTitle->$FormLinksElemenID)) ? $LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->ListInputTitle->$FormLinksElemenID,$Culture) : ''; if (!empty($title)) { //$title=strip_tags($title); // $title = htmlentities($title, ENT_NOQUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8'); // DD no protection for titles - let users make html tags etc. } } //Construction et mise en page du body switch($ElemType) { case 'WETextArea'; //Recuperation du titre dans la chaine localisable $Body.=$title ."
" ; break; case 'WEUploadFiles'; if (!empty($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->AllowedTypesExt)) { //$allowedTypesExt=array(".jpg"); $allowedTypesExt=explode(",",$ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->AllowedTypesExt); } $AllowedSize=0; if (!empty($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->AllowedSize)) { $AllowedSize=$ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->AllowedSize*1024*1024; } $Upload= new OEUploadFile($allowedTypesExt,$AllowedSize, "../../".$OESiteUploadDirectory); $uploadFieldName = (isset($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->InputName)) ? $ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->InputName : $FormLinksElement->ID; $rep=$Upload->GetFiles($uploadFieldName,$WEInfoPage); if ($rep && $rep->State=="error") { $error = new OEReturn("error02",utf8_encode($title." : ".$rep->ErrorDescription." (att. er.)")); echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit(0); } if (!empty($Upload->DestFileNames)) $Attachment = array_merge($Attachment, $Upload->DestFileNames); break; case 'WECaptcha'; if (WECaptchaCheck($val,$FormLinksElement->ID,$OEVersion)==false) { $ErrorText=GetErrMessage($objJson,$WEInfoPage,"CaptchaError");//"Captcha incorrect!"; //Gestion des erreurs de déserialisation if ($OEConfWECaptcha!=null && (isset($LocalizableString) && isset($WECaptchaInfo->TextError))) { // DD blocked error "non-object" (shouldn't be necessary now, but keep just in case) $WECaptchaInfo= $OutputWECaptcha->$FormLinksElemenID; $ErrorText= $LocalizableString->Get($WECaptchaInfo->TextError,$Culture); } $error = new OEReturn("",$ErrorText); echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit(0); } break; default; $Body.=$title ." ".$val."
" ; break; } } if (($LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->AdminEmail,$Culture)=="") || ($SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail=="") || ($SendMailInfo->Subject=="") ) { $error = new OEReturn("error04",GetErrMessage($objJson,$WEInfoPage,"FormNotConfigure")); //"Attention, vous n'avez pas configuré le formulaire" echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit(0); } // New: if $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail does not contain an address with "@", consider it as a field name and try to get the value: if ( isset($SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail) && $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail && !strpos($SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail, '@')) { $mailFieldName = $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail; $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail = ''; if (isset($_POST[$mailFieldName])) { $addrFromField = trim($_POST[$mailFieldName]); if (     $addrFromField && preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$/', $addrFromField)) { $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail = $addrFromField; } } } $contact = $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail; $to = $LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->AdminEmail,$Culture); $cc = $LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->CopyEmail,$Culture); $cci = $LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->CopycacheEmail,$Culture); $from = ($SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail ? $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail : $to); $subject = $SendMailInfo->Subject;//"Un internaute vous a envoyé un e-mail via le formulaire :\r\n"; // Paramètres du message $mail = new OEMail(true,$ConfSendMail); $mail->contact = $contact; $mail->to = $to; // Adresse email de reception $mail->cc = $cc; $mail->cci = $cci; $mail->subject = $subject; // Sujet $mail->body = $Body; // Corps du message $mail->from = $from; // Adresse email de l'expediteur (optionnel) $mail->parts=$Attachment; //Liste des piece jointes // envoi du message $SendMailReturn=$mail->send(); //Suppression des pieces jointes du serveur foreach($Attachment as $Path) { unlink($Path); } if ($SendMailReturn!="") { $error = new OEReturn("error02",$SendMailReturn); echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit (0) ; } else { if (!$SendReceipt){ $error = new OEReturn("success",""); echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit (0) ; } } // ENVOI de l'accusé de réception ??? // Paramètres du message $isSendHTML = true; // check! $mail = new OEMail($isSendHTML,$ConfSendMail); $mail->contact = $contact; $mail->to = $ReceiptEmail; // Adresse email de reception $mail->subject =$LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->ReceiptHeader,$Culture); // Sujet $mail->body = $LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->ReceiptBody,$Culture); // Corps du message $mail->from = $from; // Adresse email de l'expediteur (optionnel) if (!$mail->CheckEmail($ReceiptEmail)) { $error = new OEReturn("success",GetErrMessage($objJson,$WEInfoPage,"NoAcknowledgment")); //"Impossible d'envoyer l'accusé de réception : e-mail incorrect" echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit(0); } $SendMailReturn=$mail->send(); if ($SendMailReturn!="") { $error = new OEReturn("error02",$SendMailReturn); echo $objJson->Encode($error); } else { $error = new OEReturn("success",""); echo $objJson->Encode($error); }
Error :undefined$value) { if (is_array($value)) { // value is an array, not just string (happens if attribut name contains []) foreach($value as $vkey=>$vv)     $param[$key][$vkey] = stripslashes($param[$key][$vkey]); } else $param[$key] = stripslashes($param[$key]); // remove slashes before apostrophes etc. } } // Data passé diirectement via l'ajax $SendMailName = $param["WESendMailID"] ; $PagePath = $param["PagePath"] ; $Culture = $param["Culture"] ; $RelativePath = $param["RelativePath"] ; $OEVersion = $param["OEVersion"] ; $Security->linkIntPageOk($PagePath) or exit; $Security->linkIntPageOk($RelativePath) or exit; $SendReceipt = false ; $IDReceiptEmail = ""; $ReceiptEmail = ""; $Attachment = array(); //Chemin des donnéees de la page $PageVarPhp = "../../".$PagePath."(var).php"; require_once $PageVarPhp; if (empty( $OEConfWESendMail)) { $json = ""; } else { $json = $OEConfWESendMail;     } //Deserialisation de OEConfWESendMail $output = $objJson->Decode($json); //Gestion des erreurs de déserialisation if ($output==null) { $error = new OEReturn("error03",GetErrMessage($objJson,$WEInfoPage,"FormNotConfigure")); echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit(0); } //Recup data captcha if (!empty( $OEConfWECaptcha )) { $OutputWECaptcha = $objJson->Decode($OEConfWECaptcha); } // recup des donnée d'envoi $SendMailInfo= $output->$SendMailName->SendMailInfo; if ($SendMailInfo->SendReceipt == true) { $SendReceipt = true ; $IDReceiptEmail = $SendMailInfo->UserEmailID; } //Configuration des envois d'emails if (!$output->$SendMailName->ConfSendMail==null) { $ConfSendMail=$output->$SendMailName->ConfSendMail; } else { $ConfSendMail=null; } $Body=""; $Upload=false; //Recupération et parcours des elements du formulaire $FormLinks = new OEDataFormLinks($output->$SendMailName->FormLinks); foreach ($FormLinks->TabElementsID as $key => $FormLinksElement){ //construction du nom de la variable de l'élément et deserialisation //ElementForm Version2 $ElemType=$FormLinksElement->Type; switch($ElemType) { case 'WETextArea2'; $ElemType='WETextArea'; break; case 'WEUploadFiles2'; $ElemType='WEUploadFiles'; break; case 'WECaptcha2'; $ElemType='WECaptcha'; break; case 'WEListBox2'; $ElemType='WEListBox'; break; case 'WECheckBox2'; $ElemType='WECheckBox'; break; case 'WETextBox2'; $ElemType='WETextBox'; break; case 'WERadioButtonList2'; $ElemType='WERadioButtonList'; break; } $JsonVar="OEConf".$ElemType; if (! isset($$JsonVar) ) continue; //l'element n'existe plus sur la page $ElemConf = $objJson->Decode($$JsonVar); $FormLinksElemenID=$FormLinksElement->ID; $elementExists = isset($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID); // false when element is still in SendMail's list of used elements but is no longer on the page if (!$elementExists) continue; // ignore completely ghost elements //Recup de la valeur $htmlEntFlags = ENT_NOQUOTES; if (defined('ENT_SUBSTITUTE')) $htmlEntFlags = $htmlEntFlags | ENT_SUBSTITUTE; // key in $_POST[] (name attribute): $attrName = (isset($param[$FormLinksElement->ID])) ? $FormLinksElement->ID : ((isset($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->InputName)) ? $ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->InputName : //ElementForm Version2 null); $posArray = ($attrName) ? strpos($attrName, '[') : false; // ex. "myCheckBox[]" or "myCheckBox[0]" (to group checkboxes by using same name attribute + array format) if ($posArray) $attrName = substr($attrName, 0, $posArray); // remove [] ending, ex. "myCheckBox" //$posEndArray = strpos($attrName, ']', $posArray); //$indArray = ($posEndArray && $posEndArray > $posArray+1) ? intval(substr($attrName, $posArray+1, $posEndArray - ($posArray + 1))) : -1; if ($attrName && isset($param[$attrName])) { // DD ex. checkboxes may write nothing at all if unchecked => absent in $param $val = $param[$attrName]; if (is_array($val)) { // special case - several values for the same name (if array syntax was used in name attribute - see above) if (!isset($arrayDataNames)) $arrayDataNames = array(); else if (isset($arrayDataNames[$attrName])) continue; // this name is already used+processed by one of previous elements $arrayDataNames[$attrName] = true; // mark this name as processed $val = implode(", ", $val); // list all array values separated by coma } $val = htmlentities($val, $htmlEntFlags, 'UTF-8'); // ENT_SUBSTITUTE is only from PHP 5.4 } else $val="-"; //email de l'accuse de reception if ($IDReceiptEmail == $FormLinksElement->ID) { if ($val!="" && !$Security->emailOk($val)) {echo "err"; exit;} $ReceiptEmail = $val; } $title=""; if (isset($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->Title)) { if (!empty($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->Title)) { $title= $LocalizableString->Get($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->Title,$Culture); //$title=strip_tags($title); // $title = htmlentities($title, ENT_NOQUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8'); // DD no protection for titles - let users make html tags etc. } } else { //ElementForm Version2 $title=(isset($SendMailInfo->ListInputTitle->$FormLinksElemenID)) ? $LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->ListInputTitle->$FormLinksElemenID,$Culture) : ''; if (!empty($title)) { //$title=strip_tags($title); // $title = htmlentities($title, ENT_NOQUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8'); // DD no protection for titles - let users make html tags etc. } } //Construction et mise en page du body switch($ElemType) { case 'WETextArea'; //Recuperation du titre dans la chaine localisable $Body.=$title ."
" ; break; case 'WEUploadFiles'; if (!empty($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->AllowedTypesExt)) { //$allowedTypesExt=array(".jpg"); $allowedTypesExt=explode(",",$ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->AllowedTypesExt); } $AllowedSize=0; if (!empty($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->AllowedSize)) { $AllowedSize=$ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->AllowedSize*1024*1024; } $Upload= new OEUploadFile($allowedTypesExt,$AllowedSize, "../../".$OESiteUploadDirectory); $uploadFieldName = (isset($ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->InputName)) ? $ElemConf->$FormLinksElemenID->InputName : $FormLinksElement->ID; $rep=$Upload->GetFiles($uploadFieldName,$WEInfoPage); if ($rep && $rep->State=="error") { $error = new OEReturn("error02",utf8_encode($title." : ".$rep->ErrorDescription." (att. er.)")); echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit(0); } if (!empty($Upload->DestFileNames)) $Attachment = array_merge($Attachment, $Upload->DestFileNames); break; case 'WECaptcha'; if (WECaptchaCheck($val,$FormLinksElement->ID,$OEVersion)==false) { $ErrorText=GetErrMessage($objJson,$WEInfoPage,"CaptchaError");//"Captcha incorrect!"; //Gestion des erreurs de déserialisation if ($OEConfWECaptcha!=null && (isset($LocalizableString) && isset($WECaptchaInfo->TextError))) { // DD blocked error "non-object" (shouldn't be necessary now, but keep just in case) $WECaptchaInfo= $OutputWECaptcha->$FormLinksElemenID; $ErrorText= $LocalizableString->Get($WECaptchaInfo->TextError,$Culture); } $error = new OEReturn("",$ErrorText); echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit(0); } break; default; $Body.=$title ." ".$val."
" ; break; } } if (($LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->AdminEmail,$Culture)=="") || ($SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail=="") || ($SendMailInfo->Subject=="") ) { $error = new OEReturn("error04",GetErrMessage($objJson,$WEInfoPage,"FormNotConfigure")); //"Attention, vous n'avez pas configuré le formulaire" echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit(0); } // New: if $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail does not contain an address with "@", consider it as a field name and try to get the value: if ( isset($SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail) && $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail && !strpos($SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail, '@')) { $mailFieldName = $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail; $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail = ''; if (isset($_POST[$mailFieldName])) { $addrFromField = trim($_POST[$mailFieldName]); if (     $addrFromField && preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$/', $addrFromField)) { $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail = $addrFromField; } } } $contact = $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail; $to = $LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->AdminEmail,$Culture); $cc = $LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->CopyEmail,$Culture); $cci = $LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->CopycacheEmail,$Culture); $from = ($SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail ? $SendMailInfo->ReturnEmail : $to); $subject = $SendMailInfo->Subject;//"Un internaute vous a envoyé un e-mail via le formulaire :\r\n"; // Paramètres du message $mail = new OEMail(true,$ConfSendMail); $mail->contact = $contact; $mail->to = $to; // Adresse email de reception $mail->cc = $cc; $mail->cci = $cci; $mail->subject = $subject; // Sujet $mail->body = $Body; // Corps du message $mail->from = $from; // Adresse email de l'expediteur (optionnel) $mail->parts=$Attachment; //Liste des piece jointes // envoi du message $SendMailReturn=$mail->send(); //Suppression des pieces jointes du serveur foreach($Attachment as $Path) { unlink($Path); } if ($SendMailReturn!="") { $error = new OEReturn("error02",$SendMailReturn); echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit (0) ; } else { if (!$SendReceipt){ $error = new OEReturn("success",""); echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit (0) ; } } // ENVOI de l'accusé de réception ??? // Paramètres du message $isSendHTML = true; // check! $mail = new OEMail($isSendHTML,$ConfSendMail); $mail->contact = $contact; $mail->to = $ReceiptEmail; // Adresse email de reception $mail->subject =$LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->ReceiptHeader,$Culture); // Sujet $mail->body = $LocalizableString->Get($SendMailInfo->ReceiptBody,$Culture); // Corps du message $mail->from = $from; // Adresse email de l'expediteur (optionnel) if (!$mail->CheckEmail($ReceiptEmail)) { $error = new OEReturn("success",GetErrMessage($objJson,$WEInfoPage,"NoAcknowledgment")); //"Impossible d'envoyer l'accusé de réception : e-mail incorrect" echo $objJson->Encode($error); exit(0); } $SendMailReturn=$mail->send(); if ($SendMailReturn!="") { $error = new OEReturn("error02",$SendMailReturn); echo $objJson->Encode($error); } else { $error = new OEReturn("success",""); echo $objJson->Encode($error); } ?>
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